Welcome to Paperpile 👋.
Once you have signed up at https://paperpile.com and installed the Chrome extension, you are ready to go. Here is a quick intro to get you started.
If you already have a library from Mendeley, EndNote, or any other software, see Move your data to Paperpile
First things first — you'll want to add some papers or other references to your new library. From your Paperpile library, click Add on the top left for multiple ways to do so.
<aside> 💡 Tip: To quickly upload PDFs, just drag and drop them from your file manager into the Paperpile window.
You can also import references directly from searches in databases:
Use your browser to search for articles on Google Scholar, PubMed, ArXiv, and many other academic databases. Import references with one click using the Paperpile buttons:
Click the Paperpile button in your browser toolbar to import from hundreds of supported publisher sites. A green arrow appears on the button when you're viewing a supported site, ror an example visit doi.org/10.1038/nature10530 to try it out.
PDFs are typically automatically added when you add a reference.
To manually add a PDF to a reference, click Add PDF and use the different options in the PDF menu. Find the PDF online automatically, attach it to the reference, or search for it online.